History Student Finds Inspiration Leading To Law School

After passing the July 2021 California bar exam following his graduation from the Golden Gate University School of Law, Dominic Supple ’18 credits Dr. Jordan Lieser and the History department of 첥AV with giving him the framework for his success.

Dominic, who grew up in Marin County and attended a small, local college prep school, entered Dominican as a science major after hearing about the important research underway at Dominican’s NORS-DUC research facility

“I toured the campus and fell in love. It was so peaceful and beautiful,” he recalls. “The promise of smaller class sizes, engaged faculty, a beautiful campus, close proximity to my family and friends, and a diverse selection of majors and opportunities drew me to Dominican.”

During his freshman year, he took a DUC organized trip to Tanzania, which helped him focus on what he wanted from his undergraduate education.

“That trip helped me to gain so much perspective about the world and how I could interact with others,” he says. “Being in Tanzania changed my life and perspective. I had always been passionate about history and the humanities and I began to realize I wanted to head in that direction.” 

When he returned to campus, Dominic set about changing his major from science to history in order to follow his passion. After exploring options in the School of Liberal Arts and Education and meeting with advisors, Dominic selected history as his new major. He was directed to Dr. Lieser, assistant professor of history, to map out a strategy.

“Dr. Lieser emanated a passion for teaching that was undeniable,” Dominic says. “He truly cared about his students and worked extensively with me in planning my proposed change of majors. I was further swayed by the class catalogue for history majors. I could literally take a class about the history of pirates, which spoke to my inner history nerd.”

Dominic was also intrigued by Lieser’s Public History course and the opportunities for partnerships and hands-on research.

During his senior year, Dominic and other Public History students worked on a community project to help the Marin Headlands Visitor Center collect and present information about the area’s rich history, from the early cattle ranchers (caballeros) to the bunkers constructed during WWII. 

“As a Marin County resident being able to learn and engage with my local history was an experience I never had before and is one I will surely never forget,” Dominic says.

Dr. Lieser remained Dominic’s mentor throughout his undergraduate years.

“Dr. J worked extensively with me to pick classes I would not only enjoy, but also that I would succeed in. Dr. J was always available to talk and was someone I could confide in,” Dominic says. “He helped me stay on track while writing my thesis and taught me the skills I needed to be an engaging and informed writer.” 

An internship with a small law firm, Shane Law, led Dominic to another ah-ha moment – the realization that he could use a history degree to pursue law school. He earned a full-tuition scholarship to Golden Gate University.

“Law school was a dream I realized while attending Dominican,” says Dominic, who has joined Shane in Marin where he started interning in 2015 while at Dominican. “Dr. J supported me fully in this endeavor and helped me make sure that I was on the right track for law school.

“Shortly after starting law school, I realized how valuable the writing skills I had developed while at DUC truly were. Dominican helped give me the skills and work ethic I needed to be a straight A student in law school.”

When Dominic completed his law school education and passed the bar, he took time to email Dr. Lieser and thank him.

“I wanted to extend my deepest gratitude for everything you did for me during my time at Dominican,” Dominic wrote. “You showed me that I could be a good student and that I had a brain in my head. It wasn't until joining the history program at DU and having you as an advisor that I truly began to realize my potential and believe in myself.”

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